Legit Street Cars Restores Old E39 Leather Seats Using Clyde’s Leather Care Products
Legit Street Cars Restores Old E39 Leather Seats Using Clyde’s Leather Care Products
Legit Street Cars found a unique solution to easy, efficient and effective leather restoration and maintenance by using some of the top-selling Clyde's Leather Care products. 
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Leather car seats are gorgeous, comfortable, and stylish. On the flip side, they're hard to take care of, especially when they get old, scuffed, and stained. Your options seem to be down to replacing them or spending a lot of time cleaning things off.

But is it really the case? Legit Street Cars found a unique solution to easy, efficient and effective leather restoration and maintenance by using some of the top-selling Clyde's Leather Care products. Here's what the process looked like (and how it will surely look for you too!)

The Backstory

Legit Street Cars posted a YouTube video last Apr 9, 2022, showing his E39 car seats on a BMW 540i. They were visibly old and worn-out with fine lines, scratches and faded leather color. 

As a disclaimer, he says that it’s not for the faint of heart, and anyone can make mistakes. But, he follows it up with assurance.

“(This process) is applicable to all of us out there who don't want to change the color of our seats but want to restore them and make them look much better,” says Legit Street Cars.

The Leather Restoration Process

It all started by cleaning the seat with the interior Leather Cleaning Foam from Clyde's. Just rub it with a microfiber cloth. Wipe the excess then wait until the surface gets dry. 

clyde's leather cleaning foam in car seat

Apply the Leather Prep and Deglaze onto the corner of the microfiber. Rub in circular motions until you see that the leather becomes absorbent. 

clyde's leather prep and deglaze on car seat
Just a reminder: You’ll only use this product if you want to strip off the manufacturer’s leather finish.

You're going to see that it slowly turns into a matte finish after it dries. That means you've just removed all the old waxes and greases that have been sitting on your seat for years.

Now for the satisfying part, take a little bit of the Leather Recoloring Balm on your foam sponge. Work it in circular motions and it’s seriously like magic!

clyde's leather recoloring balm on car seat

Unlike most dyes in the market, Clyde’s Leather Recoloring Balm is actually reconditioning the leather. It doesn’t dry it out and make the cracks look worse later with time.

This is definitely one of the most satisfying things you can do to your car. It only takes like five minutes per seat.

As you take a closer look, you might see bolsters that need to be repaired.

Legit Street Cars shows a CL65 with a center console and a cup holder which was installed by its previous owner! He uses the recoloring balm on these parts. Take a look at this!

Once you're done recoloring, wipe off the excess with a microfiber towel. Let it cure for about 24 hours and these are the results!

Here’s a glimpse of the result after recoloring the chair. 

recolored bolster using clyde's leather recoloring balm

The leather is conditioned too, so it's no longer hard and worn out. It has the vibes way back in the 2000s!

For the last step, use the Leather Moisturizing Cream. Even if you haven't just restored your seats, this is great for maintenance purposes to keep your leather nice and supple.

clyde's leather mositurizing cream on car seat

Pants Test

So after the recoloring process, will everything going to come off on your pants? Not at all! You won’t have any problem if you let it cure for 24 hours. Check out this quick Pants Test!

does clyde's leather recoloring balm come off

Final Verdict

The results are in. The E39 seats went from drab to fab! Clyde’s Leather products helped Legit Street Cars with the total leather transformation. He used the Leather Cleaning Foam, Leather Prep and Deglaze, Leather Recoloring Balm, and Leather Moisturizing Cream properly and it looks amazing!

Do you have old leather car seats that need to be recolored and restored too? Clyde’s has a wide range of leather care products that can help you out.

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